Tant Kyi Taung Sayadaw's seventh 7 days A Date Htan Pwe (Meditation Retreat) has been successfully completed @Poh Ern Shih Temple, Singapore from 13-Jun-15 to 20-Jun-15. Thank you very much for all participating yogis, donors and volunteers.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Photos taken on Tant Kyi Taung Sayadaw's Departure from Singapore (23-Jun-13)

Please visit to the following link to view the photos.

Tant Kyi Taung Sayadaw's Departure from Singapore (23-Jun-13)

The "Mind" Discourse

The Methodical Practice of Stipatthana

The Berkele Discourse (In Myanmar Language and English Language)

Sasana's Traveller (In Myanmar Language)